Mahe, Seychelles

The average annual temperature in this glorious archipelago is 75 degrees, and the Seychelle Islands are a splendid place to visit anytime during the year. The Seychelles Islands are made up of 118 small landmasses northeast of Madagascar, and in total they comprise 108 square miles. The country of Seychelles is composed of two quite distinct groups of islands. They are the Mahe group, located in the north, and the coral islands in the south. The forty islands in the Mahe group are much more friendly tourist destinations, and are hilly, with gorgeous beaches and wonderful hiking options. Some of the islands have small mountain ranges and feature peaks that extend 3,000 feet into the air. The primary islands in this group are Mahe Island, Praslin, La Digue, and Silhouette.

In 1502, the Portuguese discovered the Seychelle Islands. At that time, the Seychelles were uninhabited, and stayed that way until 1756, when the French claimed them. The French settled the area in 1770, and controlled the islands until 1811, when the British took over. In 1976, Seychelles was finally given its independence, but French and British influences remain prominent parts of the culture here in Seychelles.

Nearly 78,000 people live in Seychelles, and over 100,000 tourists visit the islands annually. Even though the population is a blend of European, African, and Asian descendants, nearly 90% of them are Roman Catholics. Victoria is the capital of Seychelles, and because of tourism the standard of living in and around Victoria the last few years has improved greatly.

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