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Tauck Tours Cancellation and Refund Policy

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Regardless of reason, cancellations result in costly charges from travel and hotel providers covering penalties and fees incurred by canceling confirmed bookings. Therefore, the fees listed will apply.

You have the right to cancel your reservation with Tauck at any time prior to departure of the Trip. However, regardless of reason cancellations result in costly expenses, therefore a cancellation may result in a penalty fee that increase the closer the cancellation is to departure. Fees vary between Trips; please see the specific Cancellation Fees and Schedules for your Trip in the Important Trip Booking Information section on Tauck Tours' website.

Cancellation Policies are subject to change by the cruise line. For the most current Tauck Tours and Refund Policies, please refer to the Tauck Tours website or a Tauck Tours brochure.

Link to Tauck Tours cancellation policies:

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